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More Than Mediocre

Tracey-Leigh's Guest Appearance on TickerTV - watch below

Dr Steven Enticott interviews Tracey-Leigh Davey on his show "Fearless" on Ticker TV - 15th October, 2020
More Than Mediocre


More Than Mediocre

Talks on Topic

More Than Mediocre

Video Blog 2020

All Excerpts Taken From

That's What I Think Anyway

- By Tracey-Leigh Davey -

A Collection of Articles, Poetry and Short Stories

Fear and Doubt

(Poem taken from page 24)

When I was young, I believed that once I reached a certain age I would "be there". There being the place in time that i thought I would arrive at when I had it all worked out. I guess I believed that I would reach a time in my life when I would be able to make the right choices for my life effortlessly and be problem free! I was equally sure that I would one day be rid of my fears and uncertainties. I looked forward to being at that place in my life. I was disappointed to find that when I reached my mid-twenties, (by which age I was sure I would be "there") I was still encumbered by fear and uncertainty - and never really knew if I was doing the right thing or not. But, always the optimist, I looked to 30 expecting to feel more confident of myself in making the right choices. Again, I was amazed to discover that, at 30, doubt, fear and uncertainty still remained. I am now 38 and I would have been horrified to have known as a teenager that i would be this "old" and still not have all the answers!

And although I haven't arrived at the place I imagined, I have discovered that no one else ever does either! Hmmm, it seems there is no such place! Although that "place" does not actually exist, I can offer some hope. There are no "right" choices either. And there are no "wrong" ones. There's just what is - and what you choose to learn from it along the way. It's ok to be exactly where you are in your life. Fear and uncertainty will always be present. The trick is not to allow it to stop you from going after what you really want in life.

Ask yourself this one question - and then act. "What would I do if I wasn't afraid?"

- Tracey-Leigh Davey - (written January 2008)

Christmas to Me

(Article taken from page 21)

Christmas means different things to different people. For some, it's a wonderful, even magical time of year, while for others, it's a lonely or sad time and for others still, it's just busy, expensive and stressful. For me, Christmas stirs feelings of reflection about what is most important to me. It is a time when I feel a sense of belonging in the world and very connected to people. It is a time when I feel at peace with myself and who I am. Conversely, it is also a time when I am most aware of where I do not belong, of the pain and loneliness in the world and the need to protect and keep close all that I love.

I think Christmas carries with it a desire for love, joy and peace which infects us all and intensifies our need to belong, to be accepted and to be loved - which is why family is so important.

Christmas opens our hearts to hope, making our hearts more tender, but also more fragile. There are many who have not yet found a place where their hearts may rest peacefully at Christmas, that place where they know they belong and are accepted and loved. Some who have not yet learned that this place does not exist, unless it first exists in their own soul.

To all of you this Christmas, I wish you love, laughter, and a heart at peace with God and itself.

- Tracey-Leigh Davey - 

Specialist Relationship Counsellor, Author, Speaker and Trainer in Cranbourne East, Victoria - Excerpts taken from her book, "That's What I Think Anyway". All rights reserved.